BHSU Provides Many Recycling Opportunities Across Campus 

BHSU offers students and staff multiple options to recycle and be more sustainable.  

The Trash Buddy system was introduced to put BHSU one step closer to reaching its goals of decreasing our waste stream. The Trash Buddy is a desk-side bin that allows provides an easy and effective way to properly sort trash and recyclables.  

Trash Buddies are located in multiple buildings on campus. Some of the recyclable materials include paper, glass, plastics, and cans. In addition to the Trash Buddy, BHSU sustainability is also working toward ensuring recycling disposal at every waste site on campus from classrooms to residence halls. Facilities Services also collects electronic waste such as batteries and old cell phones. 

According to Sustainability Coordinator Petrika Peters, BHSU has set a goal to be zero waste by 2030. This means that we will be diverting 90% of our waste from the landfill. We currently recycle about 14% or our waste. “It’s an ambitious goal, but part of our vision of creating a better tomorrow.” said Peters. “In order to meet this goal, we will need to focus on reducing waste and then recycling or composting all waste that we do generate.” 

Staff and students are encouraged to get involved and take the Sustainability Pledge. In this pledge staff and students are not only recognized for recycling, but also for riding a bike or walking to campus and eating local food. This pledge is a commitment to make small changes in a few daily activities in order to be a more sustainable citizen. 

For more information about recycling contact the sustainability coordinator at 642-6298